Purple Valley Nature Photography
by Beth Kirkhart

Yellow crowned night heron

Crested Caracara

Sanderling, a bird that nests only in the arctic and flies all the way to the tropics

Whimbrel, another bird that flies from the arctic every year, Its species name is Numenius, because the shape of its beak is like the sliver of moon 

Turquoise browed motmot

Howler monkey

Howler monkey

Howler monkey

Howler monkey

Howler monkey

Wild ginger

Bare throated tiger heron

Golden Silk Orbweaver

Bandaid fungus (yes, it's sometimes used as bandaids)

Crested Caracara in flight

Synoceca Wasps

Hecale long wing heliconian butterfly 

Nymphidium butterfly  

Sulphur butterfly 

Howler monkey eating papaya leaves 

Bare throated tiger heron, wings outspread 

Rufous naped wren (rufous means reddish; this one is showing off it’s reddish nape.)

Pale billed woodpecker 

Greater sac winged bat: they eat a variety of insects in forested areas, and roost in trees in the daytime, as well as man made  structures like this  one. Their pups are born at the onset of the rainy season in Costa Rica; this is a male, and the females in his group are probably together with their new pups. 

Zebra butterfly

Juno heliconian 

Wild ginger 

Rufous vented chachalaca  

Elegant Trogon  Trogons don’t build their own nests; they use abandoned woodpecker holes 

Golden silk orbweaver web

Rainy season rainbow

Owl butterfly caterpillar 

Baby iguana 

Barred Antshrike, male. Nest with mate is in a bush on the hillside 

Turquoise browed motmot

Rufous naped wrens

Social flycatcher  

Ivory billed woodcreeper 

Inca dove

Olive sparrow 

Metalmark butterfly 

Female long tailed manikin (only the males have long tails)

True Frog 

Strangler fig on Palm  Despite their name, strangler figs often help the trees they grow on by providing external support during storms. 

Canivet’s emerald hummingbird 

Papaya blossoms 

Rufous naped wren 

Social flycatcher 

Hoffman’s woodpeckers

Squirrel cuckoo 

Clay colored thrush 

Variable cracker butterfly, camouflaged on tree bark

Variable cracker butterfly 

Pale billed woodpecker 

Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Variegated Squirrel

Jesia Ringlet Butterfly, a butterfly that lived in the understory and prefers soft, dappled light

Great Egret 

Banded peacock butterfly: lives near streams and rivers, and at the edges of forests. Loves purple valley!